Saturday 7 February 2009

Sweet as Honey

Tube of choice - I am using the artwork of Michael Landefeld which can be purchased from CILM
Scrapkit - Honeysuckle Rose by Sabre which can be downloaded from his site Here
Mask - otherworldFae Sabre Mask 2 which can also be downloaded at the above site
Thank you Sabre for your beautiful freebies!!
A few Fonts of choice
2Peas GGs Love me here (for the love is heart)
OK - open a new image 600x600 floodfill with white
Open the frame from the kit and resize by 80% paste as a new layer
Click inside frame with magic wand and expand by 7 -open Paper1 and paste as a new layer, selections, invert, delete and drag below frame - do not deselect yet - open your tube and paste as a new layer - resize if needed and position then hit delete.
Add a drop shadow to your frame 2 2 60 5
Open honeysucklerose1 and resize by 60% paste as a new layer and image mirror - I used my deform tool to turn it slightly - sharpen and drop shadow
Open rose6 and resize by 60% paste as a new layer on top of the branch - sharpen and drop shadow
Open roseheart3, resize and paste it above the branch but below the rose, sharpen and drop shadow
Hide white background and merge visible
Open the rosebling and paste as a new layer below the frame - resize and play about with the deform tool til you get it in place - see my tag above - duplicate, mirror and flip, merge these layers together and sharpen more
Open Paper3 from the kit and paste as a new layer above the white background layer
Apply the mask, delete and merge group - duplicate the mask layer and merge down
Now add your words - I typed out Sweet as Honey using 2 different fonts
and using the 2Peas font type out a small letter y for the heart
I added a gradient glow to the words
add your name and any copyright information
You can now delete the white background layer and save as a png

©Michael Landefeld CI-3074LM. This tutorial was written on 25th January 2009 by Cathy. Any resemblance to any other tutorial is purely coincidental. Do not copy, rewrite or alter in any way.